Carbondale, PA: (570) 281-9761


Tax Tips

Automatic reinvestment is a great strategy but is still subjected to being taxed.

Many mutual funds give you the choice of automatically reinvesting dividends and capital gain allocations back into the fund. This is an excellent option to acquire new shares and build your investments.

Posted March 23, 2015
Tax Strategies

With a working knowledge of how mutual funds are taxed along with some diligent bookkeeping, you can reduce the amount your mutual investments are taxed on. The below gives you the understanding you need of mutual fund taxation.

Posted March 16, 2015
Tax Tips

The IRS requires you to meet specific obligations when hiring a new employee. Here’s a list of what you need to know to do

Posted March 9, 2015
Tax Tips

Employers are required to give you your W-2 by January 31st. Here’s what to do if you don’t have it.

Posted February 25, 2015
Tax Tips

If you’re taking a vacation, you can rent your house out while you’re away. You can make money and have a housesitter all tax free.

Posted February 19, 2015
Tax Strategies

What's type of loan is ideal for big ticket items?

Posted February 12, 2015
Tax Strategies

Great tax management is keeping and receiving all the money you’re entitled to while meeting your legal obligations. Here are some common mistakes you don’t want to make.

Posted February 6, 2015
Tax Strategies

The best way to plan for taxes is to start at the beginning of the tax year. So it’s important to know how the tax laws change so you can plan to take every advantage to keep as much of your income as you’re entitled to.


What’s New for Business Owners

Posted January 29, 2015
Tax Tips

If you have neglected to file past taxes, you’ll be surprised it isn’t as stressful as it you might think.

However, the longer you wait to deal with paying your taxes and filing a claim, it just gets more expensive. It’s best to take care of it now. You’ll be so happy you did!

Posted January 21, 2015
Tax Tips

You may be eligible for a deduction when making your itemized deductions if you incurred a significant amount of healthcare and dental cost costs last year.

If your health care costs were over at least ten percent of your yearly gross income, there are several things that you can deduct:

Posted January 14, 2015