Carbondale, PA: (570) 281-9761

Business Tips

Business Tips

If you own your own business you already know the joys of being your own boss. You may even have thought about bringing your spouse and/or children into the fold. There are definitely some benefits to hiring your spouse or children. Here are some to consider. 

Tax Advantages of Hiring Children Under 18

Posted October 7, 2019
Business Tips

Many small businesses open business credit cards to help meet their capital needs. Roughly 67% of business owners have business credit cards, but less than half of them use them as their primary spending source.

Posted July 29, 2019
Business Tips

Don’t Mix the Personal and the Business; Keeping Finances Separate

Posted July 18, 2019
Business Tips

Does your company have problems getting paid on time? Certain industries are more vulnerable to this than others, but every business owner has experienced it at least once. There are effective strategies for always getting paid on time that really work.

Posted June 4, 2019
Business Tips

Small business owners quickly learn the importance of monitoring their cash flow. The flow of money in and out of your business can impact everything from the stock you have to sell to keeping the lights on. In a perfect world, your cash flows would align.

Posted May 22, 2019
Business Tips

When most of us think about running our business, we think about the fun things like product development, marketing and customer outreach.  For most business owners, the idea of accounting is, to say the least, not exciting.  We know we need it, and moreover, we love to do everything ourselves. But at the end of the day.

Posted December 18, 2018
Business Tips

With the passing of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), tax professionals and businesses are beginning to absorb the massive changes and find some key twists in the new tax reform laws. The following information on these twists will help you navigate the new terrain.

Don’t Be GILTI

Posted July 26, 2018
Business Tips

The new lease accounting standards will require some extra time and work for many companies as they race to satisfy the new requirements.

In these new rules, two leases (finance and operating) will be required on the balance sheets.

Posted July 5, 2018
Business Tips

The relationship between accountant and client is a relationship based on open communication and the exchange of relevant ideas, and this serves as the basis for decision making. Without the exchange of ideas between client and accountant there is no value added to the decision making process.

Posted December 27, 2017
Business Tips

As noted in recent reports, current US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) as prescribed by Accounting S

Posted November 29, 2017