Carbondale, PA: (570) 281-9761


Business Strategies

Capital budgeting is a quantitative decision-making approach for evaluating and choosing between one or more investment projects under consideration by an organization. Through the use of the capital budgeting structured approach, the organization attempts to identify the profitability and risk complexion of an investment alternative.

Posted November 20, 2015
Information Systems

An accounting system is a collection of interrelated processes designed to accumulate, organize, and report on an organization’s transactions. The ultimate goal of an accounting system is to generate reports based on this information to support management decision making. These reports help management make well-informed decisions.

Posted November 18, 2015
Information Systems

Within the world of software development the term “beta” refers to the fact that the software is still under development and is not the final version of the software.

Why does a software manufacturer offer beta versions of their software to the general public?

Posted November 15, 2015
End of Year

It’s never too late to save money, even if you’re in the final hour of the tax year. There are things that an individual taxpayer can do at the last minute that have the potential of saving money, namely:

  • The last minute deferrals of income into the following tax year

Posted October 27, 2015
Deductions (Loans/Donations)

It’s not unusual for a family member to provide financial assistance to another family member by giving the recipient money to meet a need -- i.e. to help purchase a home, pay for medical expenses, etc.

Posted October 26, 2015
Business Strategies

Financial Ratios

Financial ratios are metrics that help measure the health and performance of a business. Such ratios help tell the story behind what’s disclosed in the company’s financial statements, and they are relevant for both small and large businesses. They are also referred to as Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

Posted October 23, 2015
Tax Planning

It’s never too early to begin detailed planning for next year’s taxes -- especially as we head into the final stretch of 2015 and get a better look at what the coming tax season has in store.

Posted September 23, 2015
IRS & Credit Issues

Unfortunately, when the tax season ends and most people stop thinking about tax issues, the tax scammers are just getting started. Their year-round commitment to finding new scams means taxpayers must remain vigilant and well informed.

Posted September 17, 2015
Business Strategies

“Nothing lasts forever,” as the age-old saying goes. Eventually, ownership and key employees will leave your business, voluntarily or involuntarily, and no longer play a role in the business they worked so hard to create.

Posted September 11, 2015
Tax Tips

Labor Day signifies the end of summer and comes with a three-day weekend; maybe a trip to the beach, the lake, or the the cabin, and a barbecue.  

Posted August 27, 2015